Fresh Eyes is a new Australian business that has just started offering services. For a flat fee, Fresh Eyes will review the look and text of marketing material before it is released. This catches mistakes that could otherwise have caused brand damage. This new type of service will require educating businesses about its existence and benefits.
The founders of Fresh Eyes are Kassandra and Tim Marsh. Kassandra is a graphic designer skilled at ensuring content aligns with branding and style guides. Tim is a content strategist who makes certain that messaging matches the audience mindset.
The team identified the industry need for Fresh Eyes while working with agencies and businesses to create marketing material. Tim stated, “Often the big mistakes seem the most obvious, and that is why they are missed. People forget to check the headline for typos, but everyone double checks the body text.” Kassandra added, “There are often many people involved in producing something. Each of these roles only pay close attention to their area. Things fall through the cracks, and we catch them.”
When asked where the name came from, Kassandra said, “As a project develops from concept through to publication, everyone involved gets used to seeing it. They only notice things that have changed. Often it takes a fresh pair of eyes to notice mistakes.” Tim added, “We’re both constantly noticing mistakes in advertising. And our best explanation is that the creators just got too familiar with it.”
Their market is mid-level to large enterprises who have established significant brand recognition and value. These businesses typically use agencies to create their marketing material and are looking to reduce the risk of embarrassing mistakes. Marketing agencies increase client confidence by including a Fresh Eyes review as part of their offering.
When asked how Fresh Eyes put a price on avoiding brand damage, Tim stated “We didn’t try to. We know what we’re offering can be worth a lot more than what we charge for it. As a new type of service that hasn’t existed before, we’re testing the market with a price based on the time involved, rather than the benefit.”
To find out more about Fresh Eyes, visit www.fresheyes.qualitysystemdesign.net

Currently requesting website takedowns for: